BSC 1st Year Important Physical Chemistry Chapters for Prepration

The Gaseous State

This chapter covers the Kinetic molecular theory of gases, Ideal gas laws, Real gas behavior, Vander Waals equation

The Liquid State

This chapter covers the structure of liquids, intermolecular forces, vapor pressure, and colligative properties.

The Solid State

This chapter covers the structure of solids, types of solids, crystal systems, and X-ray diffraction.


This chapter covers the first law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, and chemical equilibrium.

Chemical Kinetics

This chapter covers the rates of chemical reactions, factors affecting reaction rates, order of reaction, and the Arrhenius equation.


This chapter covers oxidation-reduction reactions, redox potentials, standard electrode potentials

Other Important  Topics

These Topics Include Atomic structure and periodic properties, Chemical bonding