MCQ of the story Selvi by R. K. Narayan

1. ‘Selvi’ by R. K. Narayan is a—

a) Novel b) Short Story c) Autobiography d) Biography

2. Selvi was by profession a— 

a) Singer b) Dancer c) Write d) Photographer

3. The name of Selvi’s husband was—

a) Varma b) Mohan c) Tito d) R. K. Narayan

4. “Selvi, hurry up. You want to miss the train”—Here the speaker is—

a) Writer b) Speaker c) Mohan d) Selvi’s mother.

5. Public viewed Selvi as—

a) goddess Saraswati b) goddess Laxmi c) earthly being d) none of the above

6. The complexion of Selvi was—

a) Fair b) Dark c) Extremely fair d) In border line

7. Mohan was a follower of – 

a) Lenin   b) Gandhiji c) Netaji d) Neheru

8. Who supplied cosmetics for Selvi—

a) Fan from Bombay b) Fan from Kolkata c) Fan from Malgudi d) Fan from Singapore