1. Why does Macbeth become Thane of Cawdor? 

a. He is the son of the last Thane of Cawdor. b. He kills the last Thane of Cawdor. c. Duncan rewards him for bravery and loyalty. d. The witches predicted it.

2. What is Lady Macbeth’s attitude toward the murder of Duncan before it happens?

a. She encourages it. b. She is torn between loyalty to the king and ambition for her husband. c. She is worried about the consequences. d. She urges Macbeth not to do it. 

3. Why do people suspect Malcolm and Donalbain of being behind Duncan’s murder?

a. Lady Macbeth smears blood on them. b. Lady Macbeth hides the bloody daggers in their belongings. c. They often fought with their father. d. Their running away makes them look guilty. 

4. What is the main reason that Macbeth kills Banquo?

a. jealousy b. fear that Banquo saw him kill Duncan c. Banquo’s lack of loyalty d. The witches’ prediction that Banquo’s sons and grandsons will be kings 

5. From Macbeth’s point of view, what goes wrong at Banquo’s murder?

a. Banquo escapes. b. Fleance escapes. c. A third murderer appears. d. The guards cry “Murder!” 

6. After Banquo’s murder, who shows up at Macbeth’s palace and ruins the banquet?

a. Fleance b. Macduff c. Banquo’s ghost d. Birnam Wood 

7. Why does Macduff go to England and join Malcolm?

a. to get revenge for the murder of his family b. to fight the tyrant Macbeth with Malcolm c. to find out if Malcolm killed Duncan d. all of the above 

8. What are the main emotions that Lady Macbeth shows in her sleepwalking scene?

a. love and loyalty b. love and grief c. guilt and fear d. anger and hatred 

9.  King Duncan rewarded Macbeth by dubbing him

a. the Earl of Sinel. b. the Thane of Cawdor c. Bellona's bridegroom.