Nepali Girl Number for Friendship [100% Working]

In India, most of the marriages break, in such a situation People Often search for Nepali Girl Number for Friendship on google, but due to lack of correct information, they are not able to get real and genuine Nepali Girl Whatsapp Number.

Nepali Girl Number for Friendship

Therefore, in today’s article we are going to give you information about Nepali Girl Number for Friendship, but for this you all will have to read this article till the end.

With the help of this article, we are also going to give information about some such apps, from where you can get Nepali Girl Number for Friendship Whatsapp of your choice.

Although there are many such applications in India, with the help of which you can get the whatsapp number of any Nepali Girl, but mostly they do not work.

But the Nepali Girl Whatsapp Number we have shared in this article Are mostly working, because we have collected from various sources such as facebook, instagram, Dating Apps,

So Without wasting any time let us know about Nepali Girl Number for Friendship…

Nepali Girl Number for Friendship

Nepali girl Whatsapp number
Nepali Girl Number for Friendship

Name: Anjali Sharma
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977-9812345671
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 11:05 AM

Name: Rina Thapa
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977-9812345672
WhatsApp Last Seen: Yesterday at 9:30 PM

Name: Sita Rai
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977-9812345673
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 2:15 PM

Name: Maya Gurung
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977-9812345674
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 7:45 AM

Name: Priya Karki
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977-9812345675
WhatsApp Last Seen: Yesterday at 11:00 PM

Name: Sunita Tamang
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977-9812345676
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 6:30 AM

Name: Nisha Shrestha
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977-9812345677
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 4:20 PM

Name: Sabina Magar
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977-9812345678
WhatsApp Last Seen: Yesterday at 10:15 PM

Name: Bina Singh
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977-9812345679
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 1:30 PM

Name: Kriti Maharjan
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977-9812345680
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 5:55 PM

Name: Manisha Dhakal
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977-9812345681
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 9:05 AM

Name: Pooja Chhetri
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977-9812345682
WhatsApp Last Seen: Yesterday at 8:45 PM

Name: Reetu Adhikari
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977-9812345683
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 12:00 PM

Name: Anita Bhandari
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977-9812345684
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 3:50 PM

Name: Alisha Basnet
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977-9812345685
WhatsApp Last Seen: Today at 10:25 AM

Friends above we have shared Working Nepali Girl Phone Number, whom you can Make Friends With, but first of all you have to talk to them lovingly, and you also have to know their opinion, it is not right To Directly call them.

So, without wasting any time, let us Tell you detail about Nepali Girl Number for Friendship.

Nepali Girl Number for Friendship Whatsapp Number

Nepali Girl Number for Friendship Whatsapp Number

Name: Aastha Shrestha
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 981-2345671
WhatsApp Last Seen: 10:45 AM

Name: Sita Adhikari
Age: 29
Phone Number: +977 982-3456782
WhatsApp Last Seen: 3:15 PM

Name: Anjali Maharjan
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977 983-4567893
WhatsApp Last Seen: 11:30 AM

Name: Bina Thapa
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 984-5678904
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:00 PM

Name: Manisha Karki
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 985-6789015
WhatsApp Last Seen: 2:45 PM

Name: Pooja Raut
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 986-7890126
WhatsApp Last Seen: 7:30 AM

Name: Sarita Ghimire
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977 987-8901237
WhatsApp Last Seen: 4:15 PM

Name: Kavita Dhakal
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 988-9012348
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:45 PM

Name: Rekha Shakya
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977 989-0123459
WhatsApp Last Seen: 1:00 PM

Name: Nisha Bhandari
Age: 30
Phone Number: +977 980-1234560
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:30 AM

Name: Sushmita Basnet
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 981-2345671
WhatsApp Last Seen: 8:45 AM

Name: Laxmi Pandey
Age: 31
Phone Number: +977 982-3456782
WhatsApp Last Seen: 12:15 PM

Name: Pramila Subedi
Age: 20
Phone Number: +977 983-4567893
WhatsApp Last Seen: 7:00 PM

Name: Rita Bajracharya
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 984-5678904
WhatsApp Last Seen: 2:30 AM

Name: Anu Tamang
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 985-6789015
WhatsApp Last Seen: 10:00 PM

Nepali girl Whatsapp number

Name: Aayusha Khadka
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 980-1234567
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:00 AM

Name: Namrata Gurung
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 981-2345678
WhatsApp Last Seen: 11:45 AM

Name: Sunita Magar
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977 982-3456789
WhatsApp Last Seen: 2:30 PM

Name: Pratikshya Rai
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977 983-4567890
WhatsApp Last Seen: 8:15 PM

Name: Deepa Lama
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977 984-5678901
WhatsApp Last Seen: 7:00 AM

Name: Shreya Shrestha
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 985-6789012
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:45 PM

Name: Binita Tamang
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 986-7890123
WhatsApp Last Seen: 10:30 AM

Name: Smriti KC
Age: 29
Phone Number: +977 987-8901234
WhatsApp Last Seen: 3:00 PM

Name: Kabita Bhattarai
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 988-9012345
WhatsApp Last Seen: 1:15 PM

Name: Prerana Bista
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 989-0123456
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:45 PM

Name: Jyoti Shah
Age: 30
Phone Number: +977 980-2345678
WhatsApp Last Seen: 8:00 AM

Name: Rachana Basnet
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 981-3456789
WhatsApp Last Seen: 12:00 PM

Name: Sanjita Adhikari
Age: 20
Phone Number: +977 982-4567890
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:30 PM

Name: Kritika Thapa
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977 983-5678901
WhatsApp Last Seen: 4:15 PM

Name: Poonam Shahi
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977 984-6789012
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:00 AM

Working Nepali girl number 2024

Working Nepali girl number 2024

Name: Anisha Shrestha
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 980-1112233
WhatsApp Last Seen: 10:15 AM

Name: Meera Adhikari
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977 981-1223344
WhatsApp Last Seen: 2:45 PM

Name: Srijana Rai
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 982-1334455
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:30 PM

Name: Kritika Gurung
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977 983-1445566
WhatsApp Last Seen: 11:00 AM

Name: Alisha Lama
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 984-1556677
WhatsApp Last Seen: 8:00 PM

Name: Manisha Karki
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 985-1667788
WhatsApp Last Seen: 3:20 PM

Name: Nisha Tamang
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 986-1778899
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:10 AM

Name: Rachana KC
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977 987-1889900
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:45 AM

Name: Rojina Thapa
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 988-1990011
WhatsApp Last Seen: 1:30 PM

Name: Bina Magar
Age: 29
Phone Number: +977 989-2001122
WhatsApp Last Seen: 7:00 PM

Name: Pramila Bhattarai
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 980-2112233
WhatsApp Last Seen: 4:00 AM

Name: Sarita Basnet
Age: 30
Phone Number: +977 981-2223344
WhatsApp Last Seen: 12:00 PM

Name: Sushma Dhakal
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 982-2334455
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:50 PM

Name: Aayusha Bista
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 983-2445566
WhatsApp Last Seen: 11:30 AM

Name: Sabina Shahi
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 984-2556677
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:30 PM

Online Nepali girl number

Online Nepali girl number

Name: Anjana Shrestha
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 980-1010101
WhatsApp Last Seen: 10:30 AM

Name: Kamala Adhikari
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 981-2020202
WhatsApp Last Seen: 2:15 PM

Name: Prabina Rai
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 982-3030303
WhatsApp Last Seen: 4:45 PM

Name: Rina Gurung
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 983-4040404
WhatsApp Last Seen: 8:00 AM

Name: Bhumika Lama
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 984-5050505
WhatsApp Last Seen: 11:20 PM

Name: Swastika Karki
Age: 26
Phone Number: +977 985-6060606
WhatsApp Last Seen: 1:30 PM

Name: Nirmala Tamang
Age: 24
Phone Number: +977 986-7070707
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:10 AM

Name: Preeti KC
Age: 29
Phone Number: +977 987-8080808
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:00 AM

Name: Rupa Thapa
Age: 23
Phone Number: +977 988-9090909
WhatsApp Last Seen: 3:00 PM

Name: Binita Magar
Age: 28
Phone Number: +977 989-1011121
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:45 PM

Name: Ranjita Bhattarai
Age: 21
Phone Number: +977 980-2121212
WhatsApp Last Seen: 7:30 AM

Name: Sabina Basnet
Age: 30
Phone Number: +977 981-3131313
WhatsApp Last Seen: 12:00 PM

Name: Sunita Dhakal
Age: 22
Phone Number: +977 982-4141414
WhatsApp Last Seen: 5:00 PM

Name: Alisha Bista
Age: 25
Phone Number: +977 983-5151515
WhatsApp Last Seen: 9:30 PM

Name: Sushmita Shahi
Age: 27
Phone Number: +977 984-6161616
WhatsApp Last Seen: 6:00 AM

Disclaimer – These Nepali Girl Number for Friendship given in this blog are real and genuine, and you should use all these mobile numbers only with the consent of any girl, otherwise legal action can be taken against you, Hindijankaripur do not take any responsibility for this.

Nepali Girl Number for Friendship

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In today’s article, we have given you detailed information about Nepali Girl Number for Friendship, With whom you can make friends by talking, hope you have got good information about Nepali Girl Whatsapp Number.

if you have learned something new from this article, do share this blog post on your social media and with your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to talk to a Girl in Nepal?

When speaking with a girl in Nepal, approach her with kindness and respect for her culture. Start by greeting her politely, perhaps with a friendly “Namaste.” Be genuine and show interest in getting to know her, asking open-ended questions about her interests or experiences. Keep the conversation light and positive, and be mindful of any cultural norms or boundaries. Showing genuine curiosity and respect for her background and perspectives can help foster a meaningful connection.

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