Do You Know BSC Physics 2nd semester syllabus 2024. From The Education Authorities changes in syllabus can be made at any time. It is important to check latest syllabus.
Studying According to BSC Physics 2nd semester syllabus 2024 for your BSC Physics 2nd semester exam Can Help You to lesser the burden.

Students in this post we will share with you latest BSC Physics 2nd semester syllabus 2024 shared by official sources. Do Read This Post till end.
BSC Physics 2nd semester syllabus 2024

Kinetic Theory
Maxwell’s law for distribution of molecular velocity (no derivation) mean free path, rms
velocity, Degrees of freedom, principle of equi partition of energy, application to the
specific heat of gases.
First law of thermodynamic. Isothermal and adiabatic changes, work done in isothermal
and adiabatic changes. PV diagrams. Second law of thermodynamics,Heat engine,
expression for efficiency of Carnot’s cycle, reversibility of Carnot’s cycle. Principle of
refrigeration. Carnots theorem. Entropy: change of entropy in reversible cycle, principle of
increase of entropy in irreversible process. Entropy of universe, temperature- entropy
diagram, entropy of perfect gas, Third law of thermodynamics. Clausius and Clayperon
equation for variation of melting and boiling points.
Unit – 2
Low temperature physics
Ideal and real gases, Andrew’s experiments, porous plug experiment, expression for
temperature of inversion, principle of regenerative cooling. Liquefaction of air, Oxygen
and helium. Production of low temperatures by an adiabatic demagnetization
Black body radiation, Stefan’s law(derivation), Distribution of energy in black body
spectrum, statement of Wein’s and Rayleigh – Jean’s Law. Plank’s quantum theory of
radiation, derivation of Plank’s law. Wein’s and Rayleigh – Jean’s Law from Plank’s
radiation law. Radiation momentum and pressure, Croke’ radiometer.
Unit – 3
Waves and oscillations
Progressive wave: Equation for wave in one dimension (general form), differential
equation for wave motion. Expression for relation between amplitude and intensity.
Expression for velocity of progressive wave in a medium, Newton’s formula with
Forced Vibration:
Equation for damped vibrations, forced vibration solutions in
exponential form. Resonance expression for amplitude and phase at resonance.
Applied acoustics
Sound transducer’s and their characteristics Microphone and speaker (principle of
operation), requisites of good auditorium, reverberation time. Sabine’s formula (with
- Sound by Khanna and Bedi
- Wave and oscillations by A.P. Frech.
- Text book of sound by Brijilal and Subramanyam.
- Text book of Heat by D.S. Mathur.
- Heat and thermodynamics by J.B. Rajam
- A treatise on heat by Sha and Shrivastave.
- Heat and thermodynamics by Brijilal and Subramanyam.
BSC 2nd Semester Physics Practical Syllabus

- Each experiment is of 3 hours duration..
- Two practical sessions per week
- Minimum of 12 experiments are to be carried out
Lab Experements:
Specific heat by cooling – graphical mthod.
Emissive of surface.
Thermal conductivity of good conductor by Searle’s method.
Thermal conductivity of bad conductor by Lee’s and Charlaton’s method.
Determination of Stefan’s constant for Black body radiation.
Diameter of molecule by Monte carle method
Verification of Stefan’s – Boltzmans law
Thermal conductivity of rubber tube.
J – by Electrical method (applying radiation correction by graphical method),
Measurement of temperature using thermo couple.
Helmholtz resonator.
Velocity of sound through a wire using Sonometer.
Determination of frequency of a n electrically maintained tuning fork .
Determination of Latent heat of a vaporization of a liquid.
To verify the laws of transverse vibration using sonometer.
To verify the laws of transverse vibration using Melde’s apparatus.
To compare the mass per unit length of two strings using Melde’s apparatus.
Frequency of AC by using sonometer.
J – by continuous flow method.
velocity of sound using Kunds tube.
- Experimental physics – M.A. Hippargi.
- Experimental physics – Gadad & Hiregoudar.
- Practical physics – C. L. Arora.
- Advanced practical physics – Worsnop and Flint.
- Practical physics – Gupta & Kumar Vol I, Vol II
We hope that with the help of this article you would have got information about BSC Physics 2nd semester syllabus 2024.
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